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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11504266), the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 17JCQNJC02300), and the National Key Foundation for Exploring Scientific Instrument, China (Grant No. 2014YQ120351).
The hexagonal boron nitrides (BNs) with different morphologies are synthesized on a large scale by a simple route using a two-step synthetic process. The morphology of h-BN can be easily controlled by changing the heat-treatment atmosphere. The whiskers with 0.5–10 μm in diameter and 50–100 μm in length consist of few-layers nanosheets in the NH3 gas. The BN nanosheets can be dissociated from the whiskers by ultrasonic treatment, which are less than 5 nm in thickness and even only two layers thick. The concentration and activity of N play an important role, and abundant N and higher activity are conducive for refining grain in reaction. The H3BO3 and C3N6H6 molecules form a layer-like morphology with the interlinked planar triangle by a hydrogen-bonded structure.
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) consists of alternating sp2 hybridized B and N atoms within a single layer and weak Van de Waals interaction between stacking multilayers. It has attracted increasing interest in the past few years, due to potential expansive applications in many fields, such as deep transparent membranes, ultraviolet light emitters, protective coatings, and dielectric layer.[1–3] The properties of nanomaterials have very close relationship with its morphology, and to a great extent determine the scope of practical application. All kinds of morphologies of BN were synthesized such as sub-micron spherical,[4] nanosheets,[5,6] nanotubes,[7,8] collapsed nanotubes,[9] nanofibers,[10] monolayer film,[11] etc.
The BN nanosheets (BNNSs) consist of few-layers h-BN planes, which are an important category of inorganic layered material.[12–14] Compared with graphene, BNNS has relatively high in-plane thermal conductivity (approximately 400 W⋅m−1⋅K−1 for few-layer), wide energy band gap, excellent dielectric performance, electrical insulation[15–17] and chemical stability, high resistance to oxidation, mechanical robustness, and good optical properties.[18–20] Few-layers h-BN has been made by a variety of preparation methods. The BNNS was first isolated by micromechanical cleavage using adhesive tape to peel off BN layers from h-BN powder.[21] Solution exfoliation is another method, and BN layers were exfoliated from h-BN flakes using sonication in the presence of polar solvents and/or reagents.[22–24] Laser ablating can also obtain BNNS by an h-BN target.[25] Chemical routes have significant advantages for obtaining large-area h-BN films. The synthetic routes were the reactions of boron oxides with urea,[26] boron oxides with melamine,[27] and boric acid with melamine.[28] The source of nitrogen is far more than the boron source in these routes. The monolayer and few-layers BNNS have been prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on metal or graphene substrates, in which the thermal decomposition of the amineboranes, ammonia-boraneand borazine are used,[29–31] and the plasma-induced reactions of BF3 in an H2/N2 atmosphere.[32] However, the large scale fabrication of BN nanosheets with a large percentage of single or few layer products is still a challenge. The experimental difficulties and intrinsic insulating character of BN notably depress research enthusiasm with respect to h-BN nanoderivatives.
Here, we synthesize the few-layers h-BN on a large scale by a three-step process with using H3BO3 and C3N6H6 as the source. The H3BO3 and C3N6H6 molecules form a layer-like morphology using the interlinked planar triangular by a hydrogen-bonded structure. The few-layers h-BN nanosheet is less than 5 nm thick and consists of even only two layers of h-BN achieved by ultrasonic treatment from the crippled h-BN whisker.
We describe a simple route to synthesize BN by a two-step synthetic process. Firstly, the H3BO3 was dissolved in 150-ml distilled water and heated at 95 °C. Next, C3N6H6was added into the dissolved H3BO3 and it was kept for 12 h, then naturally cooled to room temperature. The white precursor was obtained by being filtered and dried at 120 °C for 3 h. Secondly, in order to produce BN, the precursor was treated through a multiple-time heating process. The white precursors were first pre-treated at 500 °C for 3 h in air and then heated at 800 °C for 2 h in a flow of N2 (0.3 L/min); finally, they were heated to 1000, 1200, and 1500 °C for 2 h under different gas atmospheres (Ar, N2, and NH3) with a flow of 0.2 L/min. The method can produce high yield and high purity of the resulting material, which is particularly useful for future commercial applications.
The structure of the BN was investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu Kα radiation at room temperature. The field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM, HitachiS-8010) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, Tecnai F20, Philips, Netherlands) were used to characterize the structure and morphology. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra (a Nicolet 7100 spectrophotometer) were used to analyze the process. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (VGESCALAB MKII instrument with Mg Kα ADES source) and an electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) were used to perform elemental analysis.
The heated environment plays an important role in the final morphology of the BN, and the transition process of morphology changes with heated gas. Figures
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) XRD patterns of the calcined products at different temperatures and in different atmospheres. |
In order to further confirm the effect of different gas on the synthesis of the BN, the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra are measured. Figure
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) XPS deconvolution spectra of h-BN treated under Ar gas, N2 gas, and NH3 gas at 1500 °C: (a) B1s; (b) N1s. |
For the formation process of BN, the FTIR analyses of the precursor and the products heat treated at different temperatures and gas as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) FTIR spectra of the precursor and the calcined products in different temperatures and in different atmosphere. |
The concentration and activity of N ions play an important role in the final morphology of the BN according to the results. Although the B–N and B–N–B bonds of BN form at 800 °C in N2 gas, B ions do not completely form the stable B–N with N ions, some –BO3 and B–O–B remain there. The interaction between the layers of BN is weak Van de Waals, but when there exist oxygen ions, which is good for BN growing along the direction of the c axis. The BN nanocrystalline (growth site) is disorderly attached by the impurity (boric acid), which is not good for the growing of two-dimensional materials. That is why the whisker consists of nanosheets. When the samples are calcined at 1500 °C, there is no additional nitrogen source, which only reduces the oxygen concentration of BN in Ar. Although the N2 can react with B–O, it just prevents BN from further growing and reduces the size of BN due to the low activity of N2. However, the NH3 has higher activity, which supplies an extra source of N, surrounding the B–O and prevents BN from further reacting. The oxygen concentration of BN is lower in NH3 than in Ar and N2. Additionally, N ions can create interstitials in h-BN in addition to vacancies,[31] which indicates the N ions can enter into the layer between the BN, breaking the weak Van de Waals and similar exfoliation. Therefore, the concentration and activity of N ions are important for the reaction process, affecting the process of crystallization.
The crippled surfaces with the protruding edges can be clearly observed by TEM, which reveal that the whisker is assembled by the few-layers nanosheets at 1500 °C in NH3 gas, as shown in Fig.
The h-BN can be synthesized on a large scale by a simple route using a two-step synthetic process. The morphology of h-BN can be easily controlled by the heat-treatment atmosphere. The BN whisker consists of nanosheets with the diameters of 100–200 nm and the thickness of few nanometers, prepared in the NH3 gas. The H3BO3 and C3N6H6 molecules form a layer-like morphology using the interlinked planar triangle by a hydrogen-bonded structure. Organic groups can be absolutely eliminated and B–N bonds basically form at 800 °C, and to obtain the perfect crystals of h-BN the temperature must be as high as 1500 °C. The concentration and activity of N ions play important roles, abundant N ions and higher activity are good for refining grain in reaction. The few-layers h-BN nanosheets less than 5 nm in thickness are synthesized by ultrasonic treatment.
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